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SSC Testing
DCB Testing

SSC & DCB Testing Professionals

SSC Testing

SSC (Sulfide Stress Cracking) testing is needed to determine the strength, stability, and performance of materials that will be exposed to hydrogen sulfide (H2S). SSC tests can be performed on both new materials expected to see H2S exposure, or on existing materials whose exposure may have changed. They are typically performed by engineers and qualified technicians who have many years of SSC testing experience. 


SSC testing allows the end user to evaluate how the selected pipe or vessel will be able to withstand exposure to the design environment under the loads to which they will be subjected during their expected lifespan. It can also help identify potential problems with materials before they are used in the field. SSC testing is an essential part of ensuring the safety of people and  projects. 


SSC tests typically involve applying a chosen stress to a material, exposing it to a predetermined level of H2S, temperature, and pressure, and evaluating whether or not it fails. The type of stress that is applied to the material varies depending on the type of SSC test being performed. The four main types of SSC tests are the tension test, the bent-beam test, the C-ring, and the double-cantilever beam (DCB). The tests are conducted in a laboratory setting, where the materials being tested and the test environment can be carefully monitored and controlled.   It is important to choose an SSC testing laboratory that has the required experience to run these sensitive tests.


DCB Testing

DCB testing is one of the four main laboratory tests approved by NACE to measure SSC resistance. It effectively measures the cracking resistance of a steel subjected to either a standard or user defined set of conditions. DCB tests are typically performed only on steels that will be subject to sour conditions in the field. They are typically performed by engineers and other professionals who are experienced in performing SSC tests.  


DCB tests are often performed in sets of three to eight in order to allow for statistical analysis of the results. They are an important tool for engineers and other professionals who work with steels that will be subjected to sour field conditions. 


At OMNI Metals Laboratory we have the experience and expertise to ensure that your tests are conducted accurately and efficiently and  that the results are reliable and defensible. We can also help you choose the right test method for your specific material and application. Contact us today to learn more about our services! 



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